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2004-01-08 23:19:35
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The Fern Genetics Sign-up Page
FGR Characters
FGR: Waking up
FGR: Meetings and Clipboards


The human race is slowly being exterminated, by a better, more advanced version of the species. They are called Pseudo Sapiens , because they can pass as a human, on looks alone. The Pseudos are relentlessly hunting down the last of the human rce, which has thimbled down to one million. All milion of the remaining humans are scattered accrosss the unverse, after killing Mother Earth. All of them are seeking a new homeland, a planet able to provide the type of environment needed.

The humans have gathered themselves on many colonies, large space crafts, made to accomodate to their needs. One of the largest space crafts is called Fern Stratlin . Fern Stratlin has decided to somehow, stop the Pseudo Sapiens so they've created a small army, of beings similar in structure and abilities to match, even succede the Pseudo's abilities.

Welcome to Fern Gen... have fun.

1. Absolutely no Power playing! I you have permission from the character's owner, you and the other party must message me with the "ok". Otherwise, you'll be considered for termination. ^^ I soo can't act like a hardass... Anyone willing to teach me?
2. Use proper words, and complete scentences. You all are big boys and girls, It shouldn't be that hard. If you're not sure if a word is "real" or not, or if the word is in a Dialouge, it's fine. But it cant be because you're lazy.
3. No Suicide. You want out of the wiki? Just message me and I'll work it out. DO NOT kill yourself, without my knowledge, and once you're dead don't ask for a ressurection, I'm not Christ.
4. If you're having problems, tell me. If you know you're not going to be on for a while, just message me, so I know, and can let the other players know. It's kinda annoying when a player dissapears and everyone feels the need to wait on them, causing the whole game to shutdown.

Fern Stratlin:
Scientists shuffle around in a large lab. Many doors lead from the room. A scientist will walk into a much smaller room through those doors. A glimpse of glass and flessh can be seen in the center of the room before the door is closed.

In the rooms lie sleeping chambers, almost looking like glass coffins. Many machines are hooked up to the chamber, circulationg air, giving the being within the things needed to keep it alive and healthy. There are wires surging through the body, giving the muscles random impulses, building up the muscles, and keeping them active. Wires are also linked to the brain, giving it surges of information, history, science, philosophy, along with much more. At all times a scientist or two can be seen monitoring the beings, scribbling things down on a scratchy clipboard. Eventually another scientis wil come in to relieve one.

On the chamber, is a clock, with red numbers, always moving, accurate down to the very last milisecond.


"Great. I'm lost." Persephone sighs. "HELLO! IS THERE ANYONE HERE?"

"Persephone!" She turns and sees Ash. He looked worried.

"Ash, why you look like that?" Persephone inquires.

"You shouldn't go off by yourself." Ash answers. "We don't know the extent of your powers and we don't..."

Persephone holds his hands. "I'm sorry I made you scared, but I never seen alot of this place before."

Ash sighs and puts his arm around her shoulders. The two were about the same age, but Ash towered over Persephone.

"You weren't intended for this power."

"I wasn't?" Persephone looks up.

"Well, you were to have the power of creation. When Earth was dying, we were charged to create special children who would have the power to regenerate organic material. In fact, you and Artemis were the first successful fetuses that had that power. You were right when you said you knew her. Your old caretaker wrote of two little girls who 'talked' non-stop for hours on end."

"What happened?"

"One day, there was power failure when the Psuedos attacked. Many of the original fetuses died. Artemis was hanging by a thread, but we saved her as well as you. We didn't know what the complications were until the third trimester."

"Am I a mistake?"

"God, no. You are just as like the others are: unique. It is your flaws that make you perfect like us."

They hear the voices of the Neits jeering on Dave who is dolling out profanities.

"Yep. Perfect." Ash mutters. "You want to go see the others?"

Persephone nods in agreement. Ash releases her from his embrace and watches her go up to the other subjects.

Artemis just sits on the floor, looking around. Her ears transform into a wing and a fork. She cups her hands around them, shifting them back to their original shapes. "Shit. This has gotta stop,"she muttered.

Mnymosye watched the group banter about themselves, and as Ash and Persephone appeared around a corner. There are deep waters there, through which their feelings run... Standing, she made her way to the rest of the group, eying Artemis carefully and pulling her hair around her sholder, beginning to braid it into a plait that reached to the middle of her back. "Does anyone have something I could tye my hair back with, please?", she asked quietly. "Otherwise, if more chaotic events occur, I believe someone could use it as a weapin against me, or something could happen to it."

Watching Drs. Neit palaver around with the other scientists, she muttered, "Well, it seems as though we have the Drs. 'Hawkeye' Pierce and 'Trapper' McEntyre with us for the Pseudo Sapien war..but since those two did their jobs well on MASH, I will assume these two will do the same.." 

Memnoch took a seat in a far corner, unoticed by the others. finally the female scientist saw him and walked over to him. She leaned down to look into his dark unfocused eyes. "Is everything alright with you Memnoch?"

Memnoch looks toward her but his eyes seem to look through her instead of at her. "Should i have reason to feel discomfort?"

"No, I suppose not. Its just that you are here by yourself. what are you doing over here?"

Memnoch looks around. "I'm observing. and i've come to the conclusion that you are our creater, you are our god, and we are to follow you as you have given us life and made us in the image of your beauty."

The scientist blushes. "Oh...thats very sweet of you."
Memnoch looks at her with a slightly puzzled face. "I'm sorry, that was not my intention. I was merely stating the facts."

The scientist blushes harder but is stops when she hears the taunting "whooooo" from the Neits. Memnoch looks at them and asks, "Did i do something wrong?"

The scientist smiles at him and places a hand against his cheek. "I'll tell you when your older." She leaves him and walks past the Neits, hitting them with her clipboard as she did so.

"It is normal for a created creature, when made aware of its creation, to feel awe and love for said creator, is it not? Have not many other creatures done so when presented with the face of what they believe is a forse that made their life possible? And not only do we believe this to be so, it seems to be a fact. I can understand how Memnoch feels, even if I do not share it," Mnymosye said, thinking aloud.

Persephone sits down at a table, watching Ash vanish around into the crowd of scientists. She sees some squares of paper. She starts folding it, almost innately. A rather chunky crane was the result. She smiles and blows at it. It flutters in the tiny breeze that she had made. She looks around and sees the others. Mnymosye plaids her long light brown hair, frantically looking for something to tie it. Loki is snatching wallets from peoples' back pockets. Sedna is trying to pick stuff up, but getting frustrated at her hands.

Finally, deciding that she would have to let go of her hair before someone brought her a hairtie, Mnymosye untied her shirt, ripped a strip off of the bottom, and proceeded totie her hair up in it. The, realizing that more of her was exposed than probably should be, as letting ones bra been see with the naked eye was a bit taboo, she re-tied her shirt at her waist.
Then she went to the stack of papers that Persephone was making origami out of and began to read about the research that had been gathered about the project.

Nat sat down with Persehpone and Mnymosye. She fiddled through papers, amazed as to shy she can understand the markings on them. She picked one up, it had different styled markings all over it but it was all recognizable.It was labeled Scientists. Nat giggled to herself, finding some hint of comedy within the context.

Reading the page over Nat's shoulder, Mnymosye rolled her eyes. "I was correct, it seems; teh Neits are Hawkeye and Trapper to a 't'."

"Who are they?" Persephone asks. "Trapper and Hawkeye?"

Sedna, now fully dressed, wanders over to the group, and glares at them.

"Who you?"

Persephone looks up. "Well, Ash called me 'Persephone'. You're Sedna, right?"

Tiamat floated about the room uncertainly. She felt like making friends, but didn't feel like interacting. There must have been something wrong with her.

Persephone raises her hand to shake, but sees Sedna's fingerless hand. She looks uneasily at Sedna, afraid to offend her. Instead, she plants a quick kiss on Sedna's cheek. 

Nat calmed down a bit and watched the others, feeling their auras, and glimsping their personalities. She jumed in fright as a large hand was placed on her shoulder. She looked up and saw a man, one of the two whom were identical. Nat thought about the conversation earlier.

"Abe?" she asked. He frowned down at her.
"No, I'm Chris," he corrected. Nat stared hard at him, her eyes squinting.
"No... you're Abe," she says quietly. The Neit laughs and takes his hand off of her shoulder and looking at the other ladies gathered there.

"Okay, I'm Abe," he confessed. "I'm redirecting all of you guys to that room over there," he pointed. "You have to wait there for a bit, until we pull up your schedules." He stands up straight." Did the rest of you guys hear that? So that means you go to that room, now ..." he then looked a bit uneasy and put of his hands to show he was fooling. "Unless you're not ready. Uh... take your time."

Nat looked up at Abe, smelling something coming off of him. She looked at the others to see if they could smell it also. Fear, she says to herself, all about the hormones and whatnot. She then took another whiff, I think I'm going to like that.

Happy to be doing something besides feeling awkward amongst her new peers, Tiamat moved on to the next her. As she entered the door, she caught Abe's eye. He smiled, but for some reason she found it to be a forced one. She dipped her head and continued.

Satisfied with all the trinkets he's collected from various scientist's pockets in this time, Loki moves compliantly to the other room, examining the contents of his hand. Another pair of glasses, some car keys, a piece of string, a couple of rubber bands, three pencils and four fountain pens (one of which has exploded and left ink on his shirt and cargoes), a plain wedding band, and some lint. All of which very new things to him. He stows the most important looking things--the glasses, the car keys, and the wedding band because they're shiny--in his pocket and picks up the rubber band. Discovering its stretchiness, he begins to play with it, absorbed in this new concept of durability, and accidentally shoots it at Tiamat, then snickers when it hits her with a snap.

Sedna goes up to Abe, and glares at him full in the face.

"WHY?!" She screams at him. Then she turns and walks into the new room, not waiting for an answer.

Abe backs away quickly as Sedna screams at him," Jeez!"

Nat stands up and mimics Abe's voice perfectly," Jeez!"

Abe stood schocked for a second then he smiled, looking to Chris," hey! do you know how many pranks we could pull? Think of the possibilities!"

She then turned, and followed Sedna into the room. She looked around," This isn't much..."
She saw grass and trees, a fake similation of wind, and a holographic sky. It all looked dull, in many shades of grey. "But I thought it was supposed to be green," she says bending down to touch the grass, which was indeed green. "And blue," she looks up to the sky, which was indeed blue. She siged looking around, at the animals that were in the room, mostly birds and very small mammals. The only interesting thing that she spotted was a man, sitting on the ground, eyes closed.

Sedna glares around at everything, then kicks a random tree.

"Do something!" Then she sits down, and stares at this new guy. "Who you?"

Staring around passively, Loki picks the string up from his hand and ties it tightly around his finger for no particular reason. His eyes grow wide when the tip of his finger begins to grow purple and he pulls at the string until it comes off. Then he stares at the man in the center of the room and concentrates. The man's hair catches fire abruptly and Loki laughs, pleased with himself, as the man waves his hands in the air. Concentrating again, Loki puts the fire out. Then lights it again. Delighted with this new discovery, he puts the fire out of the man's hair and sets fire to a branch of a nearby tree.

Nat looks to Loki, feeling his body's different intensities, like he was preforming an action, he's not moving much... . She then see's what Loki had been doing then runs to the smoldering man. She looked at him. Then back to Loki," you made him hurt." The man quickly placed a hand on nat's shoulder.

"I'm fine," he says calmly, a little more calm than an old man who was set on fire should.

"But he..." she stopped looking at the man's nametag. "Joshua... Shhhhhhhhh jooooooshhh shh uaaaaaaaa."

Josh moves a hand up to silence Nat," Joshua Seage."

Nat was silent for a moment," what's hash?"

Josh looked at Nat uneasily," illegal."

Nat was silent for another second," you owe somebody a pound of it."

Totally absorbed in his new talent, Loki doesn't hear the conversation between Nat and Josh. He takes a pencil from his hand and lights its end on fire, then reaches out to touch it. It doesn't seem to burn him, and he puts it out, then states to no one in particular, "Firestarting is fun." He stops and ponders for a moment, then concludes that, since the term came so easily to him, he must be a Firestarter. He grins and looks around happily for something to set alight.

Persephone walks into the room, holding her oragami crane. She scans the room. She sees a tree. She reaches her hand out to it, but to her disappointment,it goes right through it. Watching Sedna kick random object and Nat mimmick Joshua, her eyes land on Loki who, having discovered the joys of arson, is setting a box of kleenex on fire along with some pencils.
"You shouldn't do that." She says.

Loki looks up and grins at Persephone, replying, "Why not? It's fun!" The flaming tissues crackle faintly and his grin broadens considerably.

Nat watches as Jos sits down and crosses his legs.

"What are you doing?" she asks, circling him.

"I'm connecting with my soul," He says, closing his eyes.

"With my soul..." Nat sighs then walks around figuring Josh is no fun.

Persephone glares at Loki who is grinning.
"It's not right. People get hurt and we shouldn't hurt people. That's not our job."

Tiamat had turned in surprise when the rubber band hit her, but didn't know what to do when she found out who the culprit was. She looked blankly at Loki for a second and then went back to smelling some were her new favorite things.

Loki ponders this for a moment and says, "Perhaps not. But then what is our job? If we haven't got one, why shouldn't we do things that aren't our job? If nothing is our job, and we refused to do anything but our job, then we wouldn't do anything..." he trails off, realizing he's talking in circles and confusing himself. He shrugs and turns his gaze back to the merrily burning box of tissues in front of him.

"But it is," Memnoch said seemingly out of nowhere.

Abe looked at him surprised. "What was that Memnoch?"

"To hurt. That is our reason for creation. how else would our abilities be utilized? Perhaps telepathy and even firestarting can have some practical use, but what use other than destruction would my abilities present?"

Memnoch looked at the tree. His eyes widened and then the tree seemed to explode leaving nothing but splinters and a large circular crater where the tree once stood.

Memnoch then looked at Abe who was a little uneasy of being in his gaze after witnessing what happened to the tree. Memnoch spoke. "We were made to destroy. The only question is 'What?'."

Tiamat turned and looked at what was left of the tree as she heard the explosion. A few smaller splinters were still floating down. She winced. That poor tree... Once again, her head began to throb and almost uncontrollably the pieces of tree lifted into the air. They all arrived at the spot where the tree had originally stood and mashed themselves together. They seemed to "weld" together, even. With a final snap, Tiamat repaired the tree, altough now it wasn't exactly the same tree since she hadn't used all of the pieces and its shape was obviously different from how it was before. She sighed and released the tension in her head. "There."

"But we just can't hurt things out of boredom." Persephone answers Loki and Memnoch, feeling a bit confused at their answers. "It doesn't make any sense to do that."

"But, to them, that does make sense," Mnymosye replied, drawing absentmindedly in the dirt a stunningly accurate replica of the Parthenon. "It also made sense to Tiamat to remake the tree in her own image. We all have different natures, so we are all going to respond to things differently." Finished with her drawing, she stood, wiping the dirt off of her dress absently, and made her way to the , where she began naming them off to herself.

"Yes, that's true." Persephone fumbles with her crane. She rubs her gloved hands together. They feel sweaty. 
"Just airing them out." She says, slipping the gloves off. She blows on them. Her hands clenchs. They're all wrinkled.

Loki picks up a splinter that Tiamat missed from Memnoch's destruction. He stares at it and it catches fire. He smiles joyfully at his Gift and stands up, getting bored at last. He brushes off his cargoes absently and blinks his golden eyes twice, then grins around at everyone. 

Nat felt a sharp pain in her side, as she walked somewhat closer to the group. She lifted her shirt slightly to find a small splinter in it. She lacked the words to express her ain, even though they fought their way out. "D-d-d-damnit!" She said, the only word she could find at the time. Abe snickered at this word.

Joshua opened one eye slightly," Ow..." He then closed his eye, though he wasn't done speaking. "Memnoch," he started. "You all weren't created to hurt, not intentionally. But yes you were made to destroy. You were created to live, to love, breathe, to weep. You were created to do, much more than destroy. In a sense you weren't even created to do such. We can't make you destroy anything."

Nat was quiet as she watched the wound heal, after the splinter was pushed out by itself. She then looked to Joshua," we weren't meant to destroy at all?"

Joshua sighed," no, and yes. It depends on your perception of destruction. To some, the simple act of breathing is destruction. But narrowing down the reason for your means to destruct, you must understand justice. Did you do that tree justice?"

"So we're supposed to kill the wrong?" Nat asked.

Joshua chuckled," no, not kill. Punish. Even though some may argue that the Psuedos deserve much more than death, no you're not supposed to kill them. You only kill when necessary."

Persephone steps forward, but then trips on a stone and falls on a rosebush. Her gloves fly from her hands. The thorns poke into her hands, but then they shrivel and fall off her fingers. In fact the entire rosebush shrivels; the buds and turn brown and fall off and its branches droop to the ground. Persephone watches in horror as the remains turn black and decay into a festering pile. She looks at her hands once more and a look of pallid shock graces her face.

Staring, Loki's emotions act up and he inadvertantly sets a shriveled branch on fire. It crackles dully and once he realizes what he's done, he puts it out. For once, he's feeling serious... Almost afraid of Persephone's gift. The dancing glimmer is gone from his golden eyes and no hint of a smile plays across his face. He opens his mouth to say something, then closes it abruptly and takes a step backwards.

Sedna stares at all of them.

"You burn things. You make things die. You make things blow up. I have no fingers. Special. NOT FAIR!"

Joshua opens his eyes and looks to Sedna," I think it's fairly obvious that you all have special abilities."

Sedna grumbles a bit, then begins to wander, occasionally touching things, just to see if something would happen. Eventually she comes upon a pond. It fascinates her, and she kneels on the edge to peer in.

Artemis looks at the wall curiously, then pushes her hand through, then she yelp as she falls through completely. Confused and angry, she spins off in space.(ooc:where are we again?)

(occ: We're in the middle of free space)

Nat jumps quickly seeing Artemis dissapear through the wall, she runs over placing her hand on it. Her hand remained on her side. She pounded on it, yelling," Are you alright?! Hello?!"

Artemis looks at her hand, which is completely transparent, and sees stars. She looks at the rest of the sky and gasps. "It's...beautiful..." She then sees the sun, and feels its tremendous heat. She tries to block out the light with her transparent arm and curses as it doesn't work. She feels herself being pulled in..."Aw, shit. Hell no! Hell! NO!"

Pseudo-sapiens..I remember those who remember them. They kill and destroy, and as seen as different from us, but yet they are still a part of me, as well. Maybe they are just confused, and only need a teacher, or a parental sort of discipline, and they could re-join the rest of the sapiens. But am I one of those..? Mnymosye mused to herself, playing with the ashes of the roses, a little ditty coming to her head. "Ring around the rosies, pockets full of posies. Ashes, ashes, we all fall down," she sang, finishing by sitting on the ground. 

Hearing the debate between Joshua and the others, she added, "The fact that we are created has nothing to do with whether our purpose is greater than that of any other creature. Who says that those others were not created by some force as well, and they are just not aware of it?" Then, Mnymosye let herself lie back on the grass and absorb the scent, relax, and play a blade like a kazoo.

Joshua looked in Mnymosye's direction," a greater pourpose was not mentioned. If you are talking about the Pseudos , which I'm perceiving, ignorance does not justify. A crime is still a crime."

For that to be valid, there would have to be an absolute truth," Mnymosye debated. "No two people consider the same things to be a crime, and so no one thing can be considered a true 'crime'; no two peopel think the same way, and you can take it from myself," she said cynically, tapping herself on the temple. 

*She looked back down at her hands, and then lifted her head again, a sort of bitter recognition glowing in her eyes. "Memnoch mentioned the theory of a higher purpose for us, as he believes that we must do some duty that no one but we has the skills to do. But I do notice you're slightly paranoid of the idea..or overprotective of it."

Loki nods in agreement with Mnymosye and says, "Besides... If they are criminals, are we not? You have created us for revenge against them--do not say it is "justice," for what is justice but a kinder word for vengeance?"

Josh smiled," you weren't created for revenge. You were created in hopes that you can stop the 'crimes' being committed to the last of our kind. You werent created to go and do the same actions they have done to us. Solving a crime with a crime, is not a solution, by any means. You are innocents, having done not one wrong thing. This is all about moralities, and definitions, of what is right and wrong. No one can truly say what is a crime, adn what isn't. Though all throughout history, bias and slander, has formed a deeply ingrained picture of morals, that we are obligated to follow. These choices are left up to you, you do not have to do a thing you don't feel is right."

"I don't want to kill." Persephone mutters. "That wasn't what I was created for. All this was a mistake."

Josh sighed," you weren't meant to kill. Were not asking you to kill!" Joshua closed his eyes once more,taking a few deep breaths, supressing his anger.

"No!" Persephone lashes out at Josh. "Me and Artemis were supposed to have a different power, the power to create life, not decay. My power was an accident. Ash told me so!"

Josh stands up, some kind of force radiating from him," that does not mean that you have to kill! You're power was not completely an accident. You and Artemis were not supposed to have the same power, it would cause so much more conflict than needed. Luckily the power changed, your gift is as unique and needed as the others. There's no need to lash at me over what someone else informed you of."

Persephone looks down at the ground.
"I can't find my gloves." She kneels down carefully, scanning the floor for her gloves.
"They're purple and short. They don't rot in my hands and keep me from rotting anything else." She spots the pair underneath a table. 
"Found 'em."

Josh sat back down, trying to calm himself again," you can control your power. It'll take a while but you can."

Abe whistled," what a rowdy crowd."

Persephone slides her gloves on. She sits on the ground, legs crossed and fiddling with her fingers.
Maybe I can, She thinks quietly to herself.

Cocking her head sideways, Mnymosye thought for a moments. "But what if one of us didn't choose to learn to control our abilities? What if I simply let myself wander through the memory of everyone I passed, bringing them pain or ecstasy as I chose? The power to choose includes the power to choose incorrectly, does it not? Would you do nothing to stop us should we become so, because it is our 'choice', or would your bias change to include us? I see humans doing so before, in my minds: the Nazis toward the Jewish, the Christians toward to Jewish and Muslims..What says you will not do the same?" In her eyes gleamed a need for an honest answer to this dilemma, and the understanding of why she could think in such a way.

I don't know. Persephone "says" to Mnymosye. All I know is that I want to control it. Even with telepathy, you still cannot know a person's heart, but I believe that you don't seem like the type to hurt others purposely.

Sounding very puzzled, Mnymosye thought back to Persephone, But my nature has nothing to do with it; it was just a hypothetical question I was curious about, and I didn't know the answer. After considering for a moment, she decided not reveal her ability to look into the memories of others; it would make them uncomfortable, and you never knew when one of those hypothetical situations would become a real threat. Things like that had happened all of the time.

I'm sorry, Persephone answers.  Personally, I think how a person chooses has alot to do with that's person's nature. I mean, I'm able to kill just by touching someone, but I rather have Sedna's hands first than do that, yet Loki lives for arson. 

Tiamat still hadn't figured out what her special ability was. The fact that she had reassambled the tree didn't exactly point her in the right direction. She would have to think some more on it.

Artemis neared the sun, felt its intense heat, screamed as she went through it, screamed lowder as she hit the middle and passed through. She rotated and broke away from the orbit, drifting unconcious through space.

Abe looked to Mnymosye," we would be obligated to stop you, by any means if you were hurting people." He then quickly looked around,"where's Artemis?"

Looking confused at the vemenence people had toward her question, Mnymosye said, "What I was trying to communicate was, my intended actions had nothing to do with my asking that question. Just because I pput a hypothetical situation into your minds does not mean I wish for it to happen, or wish to attempt it. But everyone still seems to be paranoid of my actions, as though I would, even though I have done nothing to even warrant such a thing; I am barely even able to defend myself, which makes it obvious that, in case we were malevolent, you left yourselves loopholes to be able to deal with the situation. That shows a bit of uncertainty as well.." That said, she began to wakl arounf the arboritum, ecamining the plants and plucking the leaves and stems from a few, placed the bits in a bundle in her skirt.

Persephone sighs. "Great, I offended Mnymosye." She gets up from her spot and walks out of the arborterium.

"No, I'm not offended at all! I was just trying to clarify what was obviosly an error in mt explaination," Mnymosye said matter-of-factly.

Loki's merriness has come back to him and he grins. "What are we worried about?" he asks brightly. "Before we get too concerned, we should look at everyone's powers, not just the ones we've already discovered. We've got to have a Healer in our midsts, or someone who could undo damage that shouldn't have been done..." He glances obliquely at Tiamat and his grin broadens.

Tiamat looked up at Loki and blushed quickly. It was true. Her main power right now seemed to be healing of some sort, or rather she could rebuild anything to her liking. "I..." she said, and then changed her mind about what she was going to say. She smiled and looked down.

"I knew what you meant, what I said was hyperthetical also," he replies to Mnymosye.

Abe looked around somemore," noone's seen Artemis?"

Nat pounded on the wall again," she fell through here!"

Abe looked panicked for a second," Shit! " He then snapped his head to Josh," can you reach her?"

Josh squintd his eyes and grunted a bit. He sensed her faintly," she's gotten past the sun."

Abe looked utterly confused," but, wouldn't she have frozen? Or atleast turned into human bacon?"

Josh shook his head," I don't believe she's solid right now. He focused harder, trying to pull her towards the ship. Sweat began to bead up on his forehead.

Remembering a tidbit of information, Mnymosye piped in, "Shouldn't the gravity of the solar body bring her into an orbit of some sort? If we wait right here, she should come back around to us; or, at least to a location where someone could be sent out to get her."

Abe shook his head," she obviously hasn't gotten full control of her abilities yet. If we wait she can solidify before then. We can send out a small carrier and hopefully pass through her, helping her solidify when she passes through."

"That sounds just as risky as my idea did. Why don't we see if Tiamat can pull her back together again while she's inside the carrier? It seems like, if the communication is good, it should work out better than teh other two plans," Mnymosye said, thinking aloud.

Abe frowned," that seems riskier. Tiamat put that tree back together, but not like it was. Artemis can solidify herself, but it's still a big risk."

Eyes crackling with irritation and worry, Mnymosye snapped, "Well, it's six of one and half a dozen of the other then, isn't it?"

Memnoch sits on the ground against the remade tree. his eyes are shut and he is slouched over, appearing as if though he were meditating. he had completely blocked himself both physically and mentally from the others in an attempt to understand his own powers without distraction. After a few minutes, Memnoch opened his eyes. "I understand."

Abe looks at Memnoch puzzled. "Understand? What do you understand?"

Memnoch slowly stand up and shrugs his neck and shoulder muscles as he always does. "I understand the root of my abilities. They are indeed not as destructive as i first percieved them to be. Now that i know the source of my power, i can use it in far better endevours than agressive gardening."

Persephone turns her head at the commotion.
"Artemis is floating out in space?!" She says, perplexed. "How can she survive out there? There's no air and possibly thousand degrees below zero. Without a suit, she might be dead!"

Memnoch became aware of the situation yet he showed no concern what so ever. he closed his eyes seemingly meditating again and then opened them and looked at Persephone. "No, she is not dead. You can feel her mind can you not? I believe it was Mnymosye who assumed we could all do this, or perhaps you just have not come to the realization of this ability." He looks at the wall as if he could see through it into space. "Artemis in not dead, though her mind is very weak. I assume she's unconscious."

"That would seem most likely, given the circumstances," Mnymosye agreed, still frustrated with her inability to come up with a viable solution.

Loki looks at Tiamat and sighs. You should be more confident in yourself, he says, connecting his mind to hers almost tentatively. Your power is, perhaps the greatest of all. For you can undo damage. None can do that... not the scientists that have created us, not the best doctor in the galaxy.... Only you and one other. You and Death. But Its ways are different from yours. He stops to lift a finger and set it alight, staring at the flame curiously. I wonder that my power does what it does. That it should hurt and help. Warm, and yet... burn. Consider others' powers, and know that you are created for a better purpose. He stops and looks at her, then up at the synthetic sky.

Memnoch ignores the mental conversation as it was not directed to him. His mind is focused on the drfting Artemis. He looks at the scientists. "Perhaps my abilities would be of sme assistance. Though it may appear to be nothing more than destruction at first glance there is really much more to it. I've deiscovered that the root of my power is the manipulation of gravity. The tree exploded because i forced so much weight upon it that it couldn't withstand hence the crater it left behind. If I could use my abilities to increase Artemis' weight, that she will be drawn to us. What say you?"

Persphone looks at the others and then looks back at Memnoch.
"What would happen if it doesn't work?" She asks. She looks at Artemis, floating helplessly. "Then else can we know if we don't try?"

Memnoch nodded to Persephone and turned his gaze toward Artemis. His eyes narrowed as he focused his power. A moment passed and nothing happened. Memnoch extended his arm as if to grab the air, focusing his powers harder....still nothing. He looks back to Persephone, "Its no use. Artemis seems to be unaffected by my abilities, and i belive this will be so as long as she is in her unsolid form. Im sorry i couldn't help." Memnoch says this yet there is no sorrow in his voice. He merely goes back to looking at Artemis.

Persephone thinks for a while.
"Is she close enough for someone to come and get her?" She asks. "Someone can..I don't know, um, have her go through them and hold her inside their body...ugh, it's too stupid."

Memnoch still stares into space. "What i suggest is someone should go out there in some kind of vessel and have her pass through. once she's inside, perhaps we can jog her concious with a sort a pyschic yell. if we can shake her awake then perhaps she will revert to normal by shock, if not by her own will."

Persephone looks at Memnoch and then turns her eyes on someone.
"I think I know someone who can wake her." Persephone points in Mnymosye's direction.
"Her and Nat."

Artemis' unconcious ghost floated close to a moon. (ooc: I assume that we're in a galaxy considering I just ran through a she got caught and gently drifted to the center of it.

Watching Artemis drift through space, Mnymosye absently said over her shoulder, "I could awake such memories in her as might make her awaken, but there's no guarantee on how long it would take, or how she sould react. The same would go for screaming into her mind with a mental megaphone. She may respond by making herself corporeal, or she may make herself more wispy, or reflexively harm those who are there to pick her up, or distroy the vessel. But, for my ill-educated opinion, all of the plans seem to have the same rate of success. However, if someone could create a gravity field to hold her form in to return it here, then we could fix her at leisure, as even incorporeal things have mass." Knowing her idea had no real basis behind it, as did her other suggestions, she began to hum 'Clair de Lune' to herself.

Tiamat contemplated Loki's earlier thoughts toward her to herself. What he said was absolutely true. She had trouble believeing it, but it was nice to know that someone had confidence in her other than herself. That thought in itself actually gave her renewed strength and concentration. There were people out there counting on her. "I...would like to help the best i can..." she piped up, finally finishing her sentence.

"Sounds like a plan." Persephone responds. "I'm in."

Memnoch stretches his shoulders. "A gravity field 'around' her. My previous attempt was to change her own weight, but perhaps a field to draw her in may work. But these powers are still new to me and i'm not sure how long i can sustain something of such complexity. I sugest that we solidify a plan to awaken her before i attempt this."

Thinking, brow wrinkled, Mnymosye murmured to herself, "I could try a memory of herpeacefully awaking, but she's never had a peaceful awakening...But maybe I could plant such a thought into her.."
Just to be sure the measure was necessary, she thought at Artemis, Can you hear me, on any level? Please respond.

Loki grins and winks at Tiamat, then says quietly so only she can hear, "I don't think my powers are much use here, unless she comes to another star. Just... remember that you're as powerful--if not more so--than any of us." His grin broadens and he walks off into the synthetic park.

Sedna, meanwhile, is still at the pond she found. She slowly put one of her hands in it, and smiles at the feeling. Then she dives right it, without any pause.

Artemis, still unconcious, feels a prodding at her mind. Fuck off, she thought blurrily and"rolled over" in her moon.

Tiamat blushed again. Loki isn't fact, he's very good. He may be the only one who undertands me right now..., she thought. She sat back, agitated, and waited for the rescue plan to get under way.

Persephone's eyes bulge in shock.
"Did anyone else hear Artemis say a bad word?" She asks timidly. "I don't understand why I can't comunicate like you guys do all the time. It just comes and goes."

Walking slowly between the false trees, Loki spots a holographic trio of deer. He goes up to them, and while the buck and the doe bound away immediately, the fawn stays. He reaches a hand out to it, and is disappointed when it, too, quickly runs off. Frowning, he sits down beneath a tree and leans against its trunk, staring at the sky through its branches. He sighs contentedly and closes his golden eyes.

Tiamat became easily tired of waiting. She headed off to the park to find Loki. She found him, not too far off, sitting peacefully under a tree. She joined him. "Hey.." she greeted quietly.

"So, we've made contact with her consciousness, thats good." Memnoch voiced. "I will try the gravity field now."
Memnoch closed his eyes and raised his hand in the direction of Artemis. His eyes shut tighter and his hair and jacket swayed as is a slight breeze came through and affected only him. Suddenly he clenched his fist shut.
"I've got her." he a he opened his eyes. He then drew his hand toward himself, bringing the gravity closer along with Artemis inside. His eyes twitched every so often illustrating his great deal of consentration.

Loki opens one eye and grins. "Hallo." He opens the other eye and asks, "Bored yet?"

"Mmm...yeah...they're too serious in there...kinda loud, too..." She sat down on the grass. "But it's ok. Everyone still seems really..." she couldn't think of a word. "Well...anyway..." She paused for a minute or so, admiring the synthetic sky. "You know...what you said, about my power, I don't think it's any more special than anyone else's. I mean, you may be able to destroy things using fire...but isn't death and rebirth part of the dawn of a new age? If something is broken, you either have the choice to throw it away...or to throw it in a pile with other things and make something even better. At least those are my thoughts. You may think differently about your abilities, but, well, I'm just saying..." she finished, hoping she had made some sense in what she said.

Loki ponders this for a moment, then grins broadly. "You're right. You're absolutely right. But I still think that your power is.... incredible. I envy you." He smiles at her.

The moon shudders, then breaks free of its proper orbit, flying slowly through space. In this confusion, Artemis slips out of grasp of the moon and floats freely in space.

"She's broken free of the moon's orbit!" Persephone exclaims. "But now the moon's floating away. Still, we can go get her and save her!" She runs to the door.
"Come on!" She urges the others. "Let's go out there and get her!"

Nodding in acknowledgement to Memnoch, Mnymosye watched Artemis float in space. Then she asked, "Is there any way you could guide her to a docking area, or a shuttle bay? Anything with airlock doors we can put her inside, and then flood the room with oxygen while we try to make her corporeal?"

"Or we go out to her, have her pass into a shuttle." Persephone suggests. "Chances are somebody here knows how to drive one of those things."

Joseph stood sweating," calm down! WE need clearance to get off of this ship, you can't just run down there screaming aobut lost experiments and whatnot. The government barely let us go on with this project. If they find out about this, they might terminate you all."

Abe raised his hand," hey, I can get you guys out. But you can't point any fingers if you're caught. I've gotten enough demerits as it is."

Nat finnaly gave up on trying to speak to Artemis fr0om banging on the wall. She ran to Abe, "I'll help."

Puzzled, Mnymosye asked, "How can she pass hruogh a shuttle if she is currently being encased by a gravity field that's holding her together? Wouldn't the gravity field just stop the ship once it reached her?"

Persephone opens her mouth, but words seemed to have escape her. She puts her fingers to her temples and starts drumming her fingers against it.
"Well, she was able to pass through a sun and..." She pauses for a moment. "Where did that come from? An-anyway, maybe that won't be a problem. We could try manipulating her gravity again if it is."

"I don't believe that the gravity feild is holding her together. Otherwise she would've been scattered all over the galaxy already," Josh said. "We need to quickly agree upon something, she could 're-materialize' at any instant."

Wrinkling her brow, Mnymosye said, "THe last I recall, Memnoch had recently created a force-field around her to hold her 'pieces' in place within it, so she could be transported here. But I have been wrong before...wait, I don't think I have been, yet..."

Persephone presses her nose against the window, her eyes scanning Artemis's almost lifeless body.
"Artemis, we'll save you somehow." She whispers.

Artemis, we'll save you somehow. Persephone's thoughts carrys toward Artemis.

The young man named Ash sits at a small laptop. His fingers nimblily dance across the keys. A window pops up. He smiles at the results of his search. 

"Oh my children, you are perfect indeed."

Sedna's head pops out of the water, quickly followed by the rest of her, soaking wet. She runs over to the group, excited and completely unaware of what has happened.

"The water! It's nice! I like!"

Persephone turns her head and sees Sedna, dripping wet. She cocks her head, inquiring.

"Hey Sedna." She scans her up and down. "Where have you been? Is there a pool in here?"

"Yes! Water! Lots of water in ground!" Sedna stops, seeing the others' expressions. "What happen?"

"Oh, you know Artemis?" Persephone starts. "She's out there." She points to the outside and to Artemis' floating body.
"We're trying to come up with a way to get her back in without hurting her. I suggested going out there, but THEY won't let us without clearance."

Josh smiled at Mnymosye," there's a differene between a gravity feild and a force feild. He also hadn't created on around her as soon as she'd fallen from the ship, had he?"

A man stirs in his chamber. On the outside of the chamber is written TYR. He sits in thought. He waits for something to happen.

Ash enters the second chamber room. He was given notice that the first of the second batch of the specimens was to awake. He opens a cabinet. Clothes. He takes them out. He approaches the chamber labled TYR and proceeds to unlock it with caution and anticipation.

Tyr steps out of the chamber and he stands to his full height. He has no remarkable features about him except his eye. His eyes are completely blue. You cannot see the whites of his eyes or retina's. They are completely dark blue. He looks around and see's Ash in front of him.

"Morning, Tyr." Ash holds out his hand. "I'm Ash and I guess I will check up on you." He points to a bench and a set of equipment.

Tyr wanders over to the equiptment and looks at it momentarily. Shiny.

"Now, I would like you to sit up on the bench and let me check your heart." Ash says to Tyr.

"okay then" and with that Tyr wanders over and sits himself on the bench.

Ash pulls out the stethoscope and place the metal disk on Tyr's chest. He listens.
"Good heartbeat." He responds. "No irregularities." Suddenly, an alarm rings out.

Tyr rubs his ear a bit "Ouch, Thats loud. What's it supposed to mean?" He looks around a bit a litlle confused.

"Usually something's wrong, Tyr." Ash frantically looks around for the clothes he picked up. He sees them on Tyr's chamber, picks them up, and hands them to Tyr. 
"These are clothes. Pick out whichever ones you like to wear. I have to find out what's going on. I'll be back as soon as possible." Ash runs out of the chamber room, leaving Tyr, sitting naked on a bench, with a pile of clothes in his lap.

Tyr stands up and puts on a loose shirt and some 3/4 shorts. comfortable. Oh well. Nothing to do but sit and wait.

Ash rushes to the room with the plants and benches. He sees the specimens crowding a window. He looks out and sees Artemis floating there in space.
"Shit." He utters. "Why isn't anybody going out there to retrieve Artemis?!"

"I thought we were in the process of..?!" Mnymosye yelped. "I'm sorry, but I am not in a position to go out there myself. Do you want me to go ahead and wake her up? IT's a slim chance, but the onnly one we have.."

"Will she still be in that state if she does?" Persephone asks Mnymosye.

Tiamat leaned against the steel wall behind her and watched the rest of the subjects lazily.

Outside in space....

hmmm...I wonder what this does? Artemis thinks, rummaging around in her brain. Something blares out "CRAWLING IN MY SKIIIN! THESE WOUNDS THEY WIILL NOT HEAL!!" Yelling telepathically, she turns it off. What the fuck was that? She thought angrily.

Inside, Mnymosye cocked her head sideways, listening. "Artemis is now awake. MAybe someone should now go and retrieve her while she's still instinctively keeping herself alive.."

Almost without thinking, Persephone turns and heads out of the room.

Persephone spots a computer with a directory. She remembered a computer in her sleep.
Maybe it can tell me where the hangar is, She though. 

Nat looks to Abe then speaks," Can't you get clearance to go get interesting space junk for research?"

Abe nods," I sure can. But I'd rather everyone decide, I wouldn't want to piss off this lot."

Persephone presses her gloved finger against the area labeled "Hangar". 
Second level down, right side, Persephone reads. Her eyes scan the map.
Elevator down the hall. Persephone looks up. She spots the elevator door's opening. She starts walking down the hall, passing workers in white. 
Please don't notice me.

A female scientist walks past Tyr and stops. "What are you doing here all by yourself?" she asks. "The others are in that room over there." She pointed towards the room with the park inside it.

Loki stands up and brushes himself off, then wanders back through the lab to the hallway. He sees Persephone walking away from him and follows her, keeping his distance.

"All right, think back, Seph." Persephone thinks to herself, dodging the people at work in the ceilings above her and in the floors just at her feet. She heads into the elevator. She sees the button "2". 
"Hopefully, I know how to fly a shuttle." She says, as she press #2. The doors slowly close.

"The alarm went off and the other Scientist told me to put on these clothes then he went to see what happened. Am i supposed to go in with the others?" Says Tyr to the female scientist

Loki slips a hand in between the elevator doors. They open again and he pokes his head in and says, "Can I come?"

"Agh!" Persephone gasps. "Loki, I thought one of them caught me!" She looks outside. The workers didn't seem to look up at the two experiments, hiding in the elevator.
"Get in, Loki."

Loki grins broadly and steps inside. "Where we going?" he asks. 

The tube creaks as it goes down the shaft. Persephone is clinging to the sides of the elevator.
"We're going to the hangar and getting Artemis." Persephone answers, nervously.

Loki raises an eyebrow and glances obliquely at her. "Cool." He grins. "Cool. I like that word. Cool."

"Actually, it feels kinda warm in here." Persephone says, confused.

Loki's grin broadens and he says, "I could make it warmer." He puts up a hand and a small flame erupts from his index finger. He sighs heavily. "Isn't this great?"
He gets bored and extinguishes his flame, then leans against the elevator door.

"I wonder if they created your opposite yet." Persephone says, looking at her hands. 

Loki stares at her. "If they did, I haven't met her. At least... I don't think I have. Wait..." He tallies up all the people he's met so far on his fingers. "No, I don't think I have..."

Persephone smiles as a thought comes into her head.

Loki cocks his head slightly to the right. "What?" he asks.

"We're named after the old gods and goddesses. Persephone was the goddess of Hell and Loki had a daughter named Hel." Persephone says, slowly turning red with slight embaressment at an answer that would possibly come from her companion. "Just a thought."

Loki raises his eyebrows. "Really? That's... that's interesting." He stares down at his feet in silence.

The woman frowned at Tyr," No. You don't have to go in there. But'd it would be nice if you met them."

Abe looked around, doing a quick head count." Ah, shit," he mumbled. He turned around quickly looking around, confused and nervous.

Nat smiled, hmm, these emotions are humorous. She followed Abe as he walked out and questioned random people. He then ran to the elevator. Seeing that it was going down he had to wait, only then did he notice Nat.

"What're you doing?"

"Ah, shit," she smiled. Abe laughed and threw a stream of curses, Nat repeating them mimicing his voice. He rubbed his chin thinking a bit.

A clang of metal and the grinding of gears indicated that they were on the second level. Persephone turns to Loki.
"Time to get off." The doors side open and the pair are in a hallway of oily gears and hissing steam.

Having been leaning against the doors, Loki jumps when they begin to move. He turns around and strides into the corridor, then pauses and looks around. "Its... technical in here," he says.

Persephone steps out in the hallway.
"The computer said that we have to go to the right to go to the hangar." Persephone says, looking around. "We gotta be careful around here. Very slick." Persephone takes off her glove and sticks her finger in the oil. She inspects it. It doesn't seem to disintegrate at all.
"Don't know why I stuck my finger in it. Ugh."

Loki follows suit and rubs his palm on a gear, bringing a considerable amount of oil off. He blinks once, and his hand sets itself alight. "It burns!" he exclaims gleefully, staring into the flames.

"Stop that!" Persephone shrieks, shocked at Loki's burning hand. "This hallway is covered in that stuff! If a single flame lands on it, this whole place could burn up!"

"Relax," says Loki, closing his hand into a fist and quenching the flame. "I could put it out in a heartbeat and you know it."

Mnymosye absently watched Artemis float in space as things seemed to erupt into random chaos behind her. She thought to Artemis calmly Please don't do anything rash, such as trying to pull yourself into corporeality. Your current state is keeping you alive, so staying that way would be the best decision at this point in time.

Then, she turned to the scientists. "I've noticed that the firestarter and Persephone have left the premises on a mission of mercy. I don't suggest they be stopped, as Persephone is nervous right now; I was just wondering, should they have any support? Also, did Persephone ever find her gloves?"

The pair make their way down the hall, avoiding technicians, oil, and hissing steam. Persephone spots large sliding doors on their right.

"There it is." Persephone points to the hangar doors.  She rubs her gloved hand over her oil covered one.
"Hate oil." She whispers in disgust. "Is it any wonder that there was so much pollution on Earth?"

Loki snorts with contempt. "There is no Earth. It's gone. Didn't you...?" He trails off into silence for a moment, then continues: "Our creators, it seems, destroyed it long ago with their... industrialism."

Persephone turns to Loki.
"They tried to fix it," she says, somberly, "Only the damage had already been done. Yes, I know. I'm not as dense as I seem, Loki."

"I didn't say you seemed dense," says Loki quietly. He remains silent for a while, then says, "Shouldn't we be saving Artemis?"

"Yes. I'm kinda waiting for an oppertune moment." Persephone says, her back against the wall. "They seem to have some ID checks over there. You know that weird scanny thing they put hands on."

Loki grins. "That's all that's keeping us out?"

"You have an idea of getting us in?" Persephone asks, putting her hand against a piece of scrap metal which begins to rust rapidly.

"Certainly, fair lady. I am glad you asked." He points a long finger at the gelpad on the wall and the thing goes up in flames. After a moment, he puts it out and the door hisses open. "After you," he says, executing an elaborate bow.

"Show-off." Persephone proceeds to enter the hangar, permeated by the sounds of grinding metal, the roars of engines, and the intricate blinks and beeps of computers.
"Time to look."

Loki, grinning broadly, steps into the room behind her and the door slides slowly shut behind him. He takes a look around and says, "I hope you have a plan. Because if not--"
He stops, leaving the rest to the imagination.

"All right, think back, Seph," Persephone says to herself, "We were able to go this far. Now you need to know if there is anything that is useful." Persephone rubs the temple of her forehead, swearing oil over her face. "Think." 

"Yes, thinking is good," says Loki, taking a nervous look at one of the shuttles. "Please, please tell me you're not going to try and fly one of those things. Please?"

"Loki, I thought you had a thing for adventure." Persephone grins, as she step toward a shuttle. She pulls her glove on her now not-so oily hand and begins to rub the shuttle's smooth exterior.

Loki crosses his arms. "Ok. I see what you're doing. This reverse-psychology thing isn't going to work on me. Nope. It won't work at all." 

"Oh well, you don't have to go." Persephone says, pressing a button which opens the pod doors. "I'm pretty sure I can handle myself, not that I'm not grateful for your help."

Loki hesitates, then strides forward as she climbs into the pod. "I'm coming," he says, climbing in next to her. "But don't think it's because of you."

"Great." Persephone climbs into the driver's seat. She scans the equipment board, seeming to remember which was which.
"Okay, I think this button shuts the door." She presses a button. The shuttle roars briefly, shaking the two. "Maybe not."

Loki clutches the seat nervously and buckles his seatbelt with a shaking hand. He reaches forward and hits a button that says, Close. The pod's door closes with a click, and he says, "Let's get this over with."

"Right. Flying for the first time." Persephone says, embarassed. "They can only give you so much." She presses the same button. The engine starts with a roar and the shuttle shakes a little. Persephone looks ahead. The docking bay doors were opening. "All right, let's get Artemis."

"Ohgodohgodohgodohgodohgodohgodohgod!" Loki's knuckles fade to white as he clutches his seat as tightly as possible. "This had better work!"

The elevator had finnaly returned and Abe, followed by Nat climbed in. They'd arived to find a smoldering gel pad.

"I'ma thinkin they went thataway George," Abe said in a souther drawl.

"My name isn't George," she frowned.

"Really old bit," he says," older than you... and me of course. Way older than anyone alive."

Nat watched as a few guards ran through a door where clearances were being checked. Then alarms started going off. Nat immediately stood to defend herself, never hearing an alarm before. "What is that?" she asks, sheilding her eyes from the red flashing lights lining the ground along the corridor.

"I believe that would be Persephone and Loki. Death and Mischeif, dangerous pair, I should say," Abe yells over the sirens.

"Attention! An UnAuthorized Departure Is taking place! Everyone remain where you are! Remain where you are!"

a large speaker blared from the ceiling. Nat covered her ears.

The female scientist, who was speaking to Tyr sighed hearing the alarms go off. She started looking for Neits, who wer innocent this time.

Josh smiled,"I believe that Nat and Abe have gone to help." He then frowned hearing the sirens," or not."

"What the bloody hell is that?!" Loki shouts over the sirens. "Go! Now! Get us outta here!!"

Nat slipped into the Docking Bay control room with a bunch of Guards. A few had reached a few men at computers. Nat retreated to the shadows to watch.

"Make contact with that vessel," one man barked.

"o-o-okay, j-j-ust stop-p-p yelling," one of the scared men sputtered. He typed a few things into the computer and handed a microphone to the soldier.

"Attention vessel. You do not have clearance for departure. Turn off the vehicle and await the arrival of the authorities," he ordered as the words came through the pod's speaker system.

"GO, DAMMIT!" Loki brins a fist down on the control panel of the pod, causing the thrusters to turn on. He leans back and slams his eyes shut as the pod slides out of the hangar and into the waiting blackness, speckled with distant stars, outside.

The soldiers watched through a window linking the two rooms.

"Stop the vessel, I repeat, stop the vessel!" the soldier yelled.

Nat giggled softly at the soldiers vain attempt.

"WHAT ARE WE SUPPOSED TO DO?" Loki bellows into the speaker on the dash board. "SIT IN THE MIDDLE OF SPACE?!" He turns to Persephone. "GO, SEPH!"

"Don't yell!" Frustrated, Persephone places her hand on the control panel and motions it to go left. It indeed turns left.
"Interesting. These are motion-sensitive." She says with interest. "We could wave our hand in the direction we want to go." She looks ahead and sees Artemis, floating.
"We have to go in slowly, otherwise we will miss her."

"Okay... Can we? Please? I get the distinct feeling that they don't want us out here, and neither do I..." Loki shuts his eyes again.

"I'm almost on top of her, Loki." Persephone says calmly as they slowly make their way. Artemis' body is floating right in front of the pod. Her legs seem to melt into the front of the shuttle.
"She's goin' in!"

Loki opens an eye hesitantly. "This is odd. This is very, very odd."

"Well, that's her ability, along with shapeshifting." Persephone breathes a little bit deeper. "She's half-way in now. I think her feet are gonna stick out in here very soon."

"Holy shit," whispers Loki as Artemis' feet come through the dashboard. 

"Just move away and let her come in." Persephone whispers. "I'm going stop when I see her torso in here." Coming out of the dashboard, half of Artemis' body is seen. "Stopping now." The engine purred as they have slowed to a halt. The force shot Artemis all the way into the pod. She is floating in the back of Persephone and Loki.
"Now," Persephone steps into the back, "All we have to do is wake her up."

"Maybe... you should give that a try. I doubt my gift is much use in that aspect," says Loki, staring back at Artemis' limp body.

A soldier turned around to look at Nat who was hiding in the shadows. "Hey! Where'd you come from?"

Nat didn't hesitate she stood and said what came to mind," I was sent by the head of my department. I study criminal behavior, and I'm authorized to take these criminals into my custody."

The soldier scoffed and peered down at Nat," You?" A few more soldiers were drawn to the conversation. The soldier Nat was talking to laughed," How are you going to keep two obviously able criminals in your custody."

Nat narrowed her eyes and smirked at the soldier," care to find out?" The way she'd manipulated her vocal cords at the moment had obviously frightened the soldiers because the ones paying attention were a few steps away. An awkward silence was followed by the one who'd been trying to communicate with the experiments.

"I know you can hear me! What the hell are you doing out there?!" he screamed into the microphone.

Nat sent a mental message to Loki, because he seemed to do most of the yelling on the other end. Don't say anything about Artemis or you guys being experiments. She hoped he'd heard, because she had only talked once using her mind and it was a lot closer than now.

"What the hell are you doing out there?!" A voice came from the intercom, spooking Persephone.
"Loki, what should we say?" She asks, apprehensively. "Go and...answer him. I'll try to talk to Artemis.

Tyr gets bored and decides to walk into the room with the park inside it and wait.

Loki's mind races for a moment, then he says, careful to keep his voice deeper than usual, "What the hell are you doing asking us that?" He shakes his head at how stupid he sounds.

Nat couldn't help but laugh. Smooth she thought.

The soldiers didn't agree. " Do you think you're funny? You've burried yourself in a load of jail time."

At these words the soldier Nat had talked to stepped forward and told him what she'd said.

He turned away from the mic, looking at her," our status is higher than ours, if we want to take them, you're out ruled."

Nat smiled," you increased status means a lot more paper work. A lot more questions. And a lot of demerits and so on and so forth. I'm not at fault, give them to me and everyone walks off 'Scott Free'." Nat frowned at how easily all of that information rolled off of her tounge. She didn't know that she knew half of that, or maybe I'm making it up .

Wasn't it, though? thinks Loki. "Jailtime it is," he says out loud. He pauses, then adds, "If you can catch us." He moves forward to the motion-sensitive pad on the control panel and waves a hand above it. The pod lurches forward and increases speed suddenly. Loki moves his hand to the right, and the pod turns around, speeding along beside the station. He moves his hand again, and the pod does a loop through the cold intergalactic air. (ooc: Whoa. not just air. intergalactic air.) He jumps, realizing he was just upside-down. "Ok, not doing that again..." he murmers under his breath. He slows the pod down with another motioin of his hand.

"Loki! Be careful!" Persephone screams as she and Artemis are floating upside down. "Artemis is still not solid yet and we nearly made her fly back out there. I'm going try to mindspeak with her."

The soldier shruged," I see they've made their choice. To us they go, paperwork and all."

Nat huffed and stomped her foot. "Damnit!"  If they get them the scientists are going to be in trouble. "Stall..." she whispered to herself. She looked up to the soldiers, six or so. "You're gonna have to get through me first," she bluffed, hoping it worked.

Loki suppresses a snort of laughter, listening to the conversation between Nat and the soldiers. He grins broadly and turns to Persephone.
"I'm gonna bring 'er home," he says, turning the shuttle back toward the hangar.

The soldiers all exchanged ;aughs, a few of them unsure. Then one stepped forward and towered over her," move."

Nat Gulps and blinks a bit up at the soldier. "You can't make me," she says. If I'm not channeling a spoiled four year old right now, I have no clue what's going on , she joked to herself.

The soldiers laughed again and the one infront of Nat raised his arm, ready to strike or swipe, she didn't know. Nat took her chance then and there, exposed neck. She jabbed quickly and snickered, seeing the burly man stumble backward into his comrades, gasping for air. Nat took her chance to glance out of the window, seeing the pod swoop in.

Loki brings the pod back into the docking bay, then turns it off, the industrial-strength doors sliding shut behind him with a metallic hiss. He presses the button to open the pod's door, then motions to Persephone to get out and take Artemis with her. "Go. Don't let them see you," he whispers.

Nat heard someone in the hall yellign something to the room, most likely about the pod. Nat shruged and whispered," okay, I'm the distraction." Looking around she look past the Soldiers huddling over the one that seemed to have a hard problem catching his breath, obviously distracted. She looked past the sitting, and stunned men in the chairs. Chair! Nat ran to one, pushing him out of the chair none too kindly. Wheels... Nat grabed a key board from the computer, cords whiping behind it. The ran into the hall where the I.D. checkers were and where abe was trying to get in. "Uh... hi," she waved. Abe slapped his hand over his face, obviously frustrated. Nat backed up and ran as fast as she can, jumping onto the chair and coasting.

With Persephone and Artemis out, Loki presses the close-door button and hurries out of the pod. He glances toward the door and decides it's a bad idea to try to get out that way, so he keeps his head down and starts to explore between the pods and shuttlecrafts for another way out.

Persephone ducks into a room off the side. It seems to be a storage closet, judging by the cleaning equipment and toilet paper. She set herself and Artemis down. Artemis seem to have made herself more solid since being retrieved.
"All right." Persephone thinks hard in her skull. "Artemis, wake up. You're inside the station. You can breathe now. Wake up."

Tiamat suddenly appeared surprisingly close to Persephone and Artemis. She had been wandering around the ship, confused, ever since the alarms had been triggered. Her subconcious had brought her here. She locked her calm and distant eyes with Persephone's wild ones for what seemed like an eternity as the red alarm lights behind her continued to spin in panic.
"I will assist," she said softly.

An idea comes to his mind as he steps slowly and silently around a pod. He ducks down and goes to the supply closet where Persephone and Tiamat are trying to wake Artemis. He nods quickly to Tiamat and says quietly, "Okay, here's the plan: We wait for them to come in here and start looking for us, then, when their backs are turned, we make a run for the door and hope they don't notice us."

Tiamat nods, then ponders, and says quietly, "Or...You could just set them on fire...then make a run for it..." She playfully grins but it fades quickly. "No worries...I think I can fix most any damages. They should just be a little hurt and shaken up."

Loki puts a hand to his forehead and closes his eyes. "Why didn't I think of that? Loki, you're getting soft..." With that, he opens his eyes abruptly. Their golden hue has grown brighter, and tiny flames dance where his pupils would be if he had them.

He turns to the door, which has opened, and stares at the cluster of scientists outside. Quite suddenly, one of them shouts a curse as his coat catches fire. Then another's hair goes up in flames... One by one, the scientists turn to flee... and put themselves out.

Artemis' body solidifies, and her eyes focus before falling to the floor. "HOLY FUCK!" is all she says before going through a series of a mix of throwing up and coughing. She looks up and sees Tiamat and Persephone, looking slightly worried. "Well, hi!" She says sarcastically. "Fancy meeting you here!" She tries to sit up, but after a humongous headache hit her she decided to abandon mission. "Ooooooh....owie...."

"I hope Loki isn't doing anything drastic..." Persephone says, but is interrupted by the sounds of screaming scientists. She looks up and her feeling of worry is confirmed. "Oh God. At least, you're okay for the most part, Artemis."

Finally finished with waiting for current updates and further instructions, Mnymosye made her way to teh deck with the rest of the others, carefully navigating her way through the rubble, oil and elevator. Finally, she moved past the soldiers to Nat. Facing the door, she thought to Nat, Please allow me through, so I may see to Artemis. She seems to be injured or otherwise incapacitated, and I must see if there is some way I can help.

"Tiamat," Persephone turns to her as Artemis rubs her head and moans, "You didn't have to come down here. Loki and I stand the risk of undermining what the scientists have done because we went out to save Artemis. You and the others are innocent and should not have to be punished for what we did."

Curiously, Mnymosye thought to Persephone, Why would they punish us for curiousity? Oh wait, she stopped, searching her brain for a moment.  They do tend to do that. But either way, the corect thing to do in this case is to go in and give Artemis a diagnostic and keep her calm until those with Ph. D's get here. Determinedly, she pushed her way into the bay and knelt by Artemis's head, checking her pulse and looking for signs of shock and injury.

"Mnymosye, we have to get back upstairs without any more damage done here." Persephone urges. She turns to Artemis.
"Are you able to walk?"

"I think so." Artemis rubs her head and gets to her knees, but she obivously needs help beyond that. "Ooooooh....this is some hangover." She chuckles drily.She looks at Tiamat. "Who's this?"

"Tiamat." Persephone points to her. "She woke you up." Persephone stands up and offers her hand to Artemis.
"I hope Loki doesn't get too wrapped up in arson to get away."

"Hello, Tiamat. Nice to meet you. Thank you," she said to Persephone and got on her feet. She walked a few steps forward and backward and then watched Loki wreak havoc on the scientists. "Now, if you'll excuse me," she said, forming her arm into a sniper rifle and aiming at one of the scientists.

"Uh, what Loki is doing is a distraction for us, so we can get away." Persephone says, putting her hand on Artemis' arm-turned-rifle and lowers it. "We are not trying to kill them."

"Maybe you aren't, but I am." Artemis looks at Persephone, obvious hatred behind her eyes, but not for her. Something in her head said, She's right. Now's not the time. Later. Not now. Her arm shifted back despite her words.

Persephone peeks out. No scientists or technicians running in front. The door leading out to the hall are open.
"Let's go." She urges the three other girls.

Artemis followed Persephone through the doors and into the hall. Her leg shifts into a wing and she stumbles a little, cursing untill it changed back. "Damn....."

Persephone urges Mnymosye and Tiamat to follow from behind the doors.
"Come one..." Suddenly, a hand rests itself on her shoulder. Persephone gasps and turns her head.

"Persephone? Artemis?" Ash whispers. "So, you got courageous and saved her. I won't count that against, but Jack is pissed."

Loki laughs evilly from behind them, racing after a shouting scientist, both hands alight and eyes glowing. By this time, most of the scientists have decided it might not have been a good idea to create a Firestarter who also happens to be a pyromaniac. 

"Jack?" Persephone asks.

"Head creator and he is not happy with your stunt." Ash says. "Get Artemis upstairs, Persephone. I will put a stop to this."

"If you don't mind, I'd like to meet this head creator." Artemis' voice is flat and monotonous.

Tiamat lagged behind a little to help Loki. She could see that he was obviously enjoying himself. She had to stop him at some point though. With some effort, she rearranged the atoms from a pile of rubble nearby and placed them back together anew; they now made a wall blocking anyone trying to get to her or her companions. "Loki, we must go now," she said. She turned and started to jog after the others, noticed Loki was pouting and hadn't moved, grabbed his wrist, and ran away dragging him behind her.

Being dragged away by Tiamat, Loki turns around and sticks out his tongue at one of the onlooking scientists, causing the unlucky man's coat to catch fire again.

"Artemis, let's upstairs." Persephone lets her lean against her and they begin walking toward the elevator.

"Everyone calm down!" Ash yells, wielding a fire-extingisher and he proceeds to put the ablazed man's fire out. "Everyone, will you turn your attention here. Thank you." He turns his head to make sure the experiments had left the hangar. He spots Mnymosye and approaches her.
"Mnymosye, go with the others." He says with a calm voice. "You shouldn't have to be picked on either."

"Now, I'm a bit confused."Artemis leaned against Persephone as they walked, slightly limping. "Why all this shit going around about unauthorized venticles or whatever?"

Tiamat didn't care about what she had done. She believed that she had helped her comrades rightfully and skillfully, and no manner of punishment would change her new confidence in herself. She and Loki caught up with Artemis and Persephone.

Mnymosye turned to Ash, her eyes sure and calm. Leaning closer to him, she said quietly, "You are aware that I could make this situation utterly unimportant and forgotten, or muddled and confused, are you not? Why not just remove any trouble that has been created from the minds of those who would find fault in it? I could even wipe the memories of those involved, if it came to that and someone started to feel guilty. Or would that be wrong, to remove the need for punishment?"

Cocking her head sideways, Mnymosye thought for a moment, her eyes till locked on Ash's face. "Yes, to you that would be wrong, to 'mess with others minds'. Unfortunately, my skill is otherwise nonexistant. But I will wait for teh best option to present itself, whether it is seeing the head scientist of our creation, or escape."

"And the best option now is to escape." Ash smiles. "Go with the others. I will deal with this situation."

Nodding, Mnymosye followed the others and quickly caught up to them. "I think the others would prefer we went back to the arboritum, though I could find Jack's room if you would rather do that," she said blandly to the others.

Ash watches Mnymosye run out the hangar. He turns his attention to the muttering and confused group of techs and scientists.
"What has occurred was a malfunction in the circuitry." He announces. "It has been fixed, although there are still fires from when the the wires started to spark and they need to be extinguish..."

Persephone watches Mnymosye run toward the elevator. Persephone puts her hand on the closing doors and reaches the other out to Mnymosye.

Mnymosye grasped Persephone's hand and moved to join the others. "So, what is the next course of action? The scientists with to protect us, but maybe the only way is to explore on our own, when we aren't changing our actions in responce to their reactions."

"I don't know." Persephone sighs. "Maybe we should wait until the fire cools off."

Nat, finished with half of her distraction, dropped the key board and got off of her chair. She crept silently behind the others, hoping Ash wouldn't spot her. Abe followed behind her, rubbing his head a bit.

"Sorry," Nat whispered, earlier she hadn't been paying attention and whacked him in the head with the keyboard also.

"We could explore a bit. I mean, with the scientists distracted and all," Artemis said.

"I just don't want to, now." Persephone sighs. 

"Well, I wanna go take a nap, so I'll just go and find a bench or something and fall asleep there." Artemis stopped leaning on Persephone and started making her way along the walls to the room where they'd met. "See you guys later."

"I guess it would be a good idea for all of us to get some rst as well. It's been a rather eventful day, and after everyone is rested, decisions will come more easily. WE can always explore later, it may just be more difficult then," Mnymosye said, watching Artemis lie down and the other experiments look around confusedly. Finally, tired of standing, she made her way back onto the grass and, foldign her arm under her, closed her eyes and listened attentively.

Persephone slides down unto the grass and sighs.
"Some day," she utters to herself. "Maybe tomorrow won't be so bad. Then again, why shouldn't it be like this every day?"

Three scientists grabbed Nat after she stepped off of the elevator with Abe, they'd caught up with them and managed to miss the others. They started telling her fifteen things at once and she managed to get away. Nat tiptoed into the room where everyone else waited and noticed a new face, she wanted to greet them and realized this was the time for everyone to get to know each other. Despite all she walked over to Joshua and informed him that his collegues would like a word with him. They'd already snagged the Neit. She then sighed and looked to everyone.
"So, everyone having fun?"

"Miss, the experiments shouldn't be walking about," one scientist speaks up, "Especially, when there are malfunctions in the wiring."
(( OCC: who is wandering about? )) 

From now on, since this page is getting too big... *cough* WE'll be posting at Fern-Gen Recall-cont. Same password as this page.

Username (or number or email):


2003-12-20 [Arisonu]: Feeling tired....logging off. 'Night.

2003-12-20 [Pnelma Tirian]: K. I hate that everyone gets off by the time they're finished and I'm barely getting on, though...

2003-12-20 [Zaran's Song]: I'm with that. but I logged off too, so I can't complain........ But now I'm on! And...... you're.......not......

2003-12-20 [Zaran's Song]: *heavy sigh*

2003-12-20 [Lady Twist]: hi there...

2003-12-20 [Zaran's Song]: fwoopah! someone is on!

2003-12-20 [Lady Twist]: yes...I am someone, I think..

2003-12-20 [Zaran's Song]: If not, you would be no one. And no one is no one. Did that make sense to you? It made perfect sense to me, but I'm the one who said it...

2003-12-20 [Lady Twist]: I get it, but I still think I'd rather be no one has any responsibilities.

2003-12-20 [Zaran's Song]: wait............. yes. They do. Only no one has no responsibilities... now I'm all confuzzled and such......

2003-12-20 [Zaran's Song]: whoo! we're at an even 300 comments! (wow, what an amazing accomplishment) 301 if you count this one.

2003-12-20 [Lady Twist]: sorry.. :-(

2003-12-20 [Arisonu]: Can't edit today. Cleaning house. I give you guys control of Persephone, but please keep her in character. Thank you.

2003-12-20 [Arisonu]: Okay, I'm back.

2003-12-20 [Pnelma Tirian]: yay! :D

2003-12-20 [Zaran's Song]: fwoopahness! I've got next editing!!

2003-12-20 [Pnelma Tirian]: ok!

2003-12-20 [Arisonu]: Okay, is Artemis is coming off as a bit suicidal or is it just me?

2003-12-20 [Pnelma Tirian]: am I? T'isn't my fault you all screwed up on my genetics.

2003-12-20 [Zaran's Song]: It wasn't me! bwaaaahahahaha! holographic deer!

2003-12-20 [Pnelma Tirian]: I don't know that. You might have.....

2003-12-20 [Arisonu]: Yeah, that would explain why she bloody nuts and Persephone with the underdeveloped abilities. 

2003-12-20 [Pnelma Tirian]: I'm not being suicidal, I swear. Artemis can fall asleep while in that state for years.....and it doesn't matter where she is. I mean, Hell, she survived going through the sun, how else am I gonna kill her?

2003-12-20 [Zaran's Song]: what, made holographic deer? I DID, I DID!

2003-12-20 [Pnelma Tirian]: lol!

2003-12-20 [Pnelma Tirian]: you are a dork. But not literally.

2003-12-20 [Arisonu]: Okay the comments seem out of order and confusing.

2003-12-20 [Epscillon]: oh my...

2003-12-20 [Zaran's Song]: Hey, deer are fun! Elk are, too! Especially baby elk. And the big ones. We get a herd passing through our yard every summer. The babies make a sound like, MWEEEE! MWEEEEEEEEE!

2003-12-20 [Zaran's Song]: and the males, during the rut, make a sound similar to the Ringwraiths. Very cool.

2003-12-20 [Pnelma Tirian]: lmao!

2003-12-20 [Arisonu]: Sorry, Salek. It just seemed that way.

2003-12-20 [Pnelma Tirian]: rignwraiths! YAY!

2003-12-20 [Zaran's Song]: yes. verrrrrrae kewl.

2003-12-20 [Pnelma Tirian]: NOOOO!!DARNIT!!I CALL NEXT POST!!!!!>(

2003-12-20 [Arisonu]: Just chill, Salek.

2003-12-20 [Pnelma Tirian]: NEVER! :D

2003-12-20 [Zaran's Song]: One dream..... One soul.... One prize, one goal.... One golden glass of what should be.... (it's a kind of magic).......

2003-12-20 [Zaran's Song]: keiti's takin a long time with that edit button!

2003-12-20 [Arisonu]: Yes, she is.

2003-12-20 [Zaran's Song]: and as soon as i say it, she's done. 

2003-12-20 [Arisonu]: Now, she's done.

2003-12-20 [Epscillon]: sorry guys... >_> i had stuff to say. yay for queen! w00!


2003-12-20 [Pnelma Tirian]: mwah!

2003-12-20 [Zaran's Song]: Arisonu! You've broken the comment box! your shriek is outside it! HOLY GOD!!!!


2003-12-20 [Zaran's Song]: yours isn't as long

2003-12-20 [Pnelma Tirian]: yeah, well, :P

2003-12-20 [Zaran's Song]: bwahaha! here we stand, and here we fall.... history won't care at all.

2003-12-20 [Arisonu]: Cool, where did you get that from?

2003-12-20 [Zaran's Song]: Queen.... the beginning of "Hammer to Fall" #4 on the cd "Classic Queen."

2003-12-20 [Arisonu]: I like Queen. -Einey, Miney, moe, will you let go?

2003-12-20 [Arisonu]: -We will not let you go!

2003-12-20 [Zaran's Song]: What the hell we fighing for? Just surrender and it won't hurt at all! Just got time to say your prayers, while you're waiting for the hammer to fall.

2003-12-20 [Arisonu]: No fair. I don't know the lyrics.

2003-12-20 [Zaran's Song]: I don't know all of them. Like in most of the verses of Stone Cold Crazy, he's talking to fast for me to understand. I only know one verse of that song.

2003-12-20 [Arisonu]: I only know the lyrics to "Bohemian Raphsody."

2003-12-20 [Zaran's Song]: Walkin down the street, shootin people that I meet with my rubber tommy water gun.... here come the deputies, they're gonna come and get me, i'd better get it together and run... They got their sirens loose, I ran right outta juice... They're gonna put me in a cell and they're never ever gonna let me go to helllll...... stone cold crazy, ya know! (ticktickticktick) OWW!!


2003-12-20 [Zaran's Song]: no, but Loki's not really a part of the rescue.

2003-12-20 [Pnelma Tirian]: Arisonu, you really have to stop doing those fantastically long words.

2003-12-20 [Arisonu]: But I saw Warrior log in. Why isn't he here?

2003-12-20 [Zaran's Song]: i dunno

2003-12-20 [Epscillon]: hehe...inside my heart is breaking, my makeup may be flaking, but my smile still stays on...:D

2003-12-20 [Arisonu]: I'll top the bill, I'll earn the kill, I'll find the will to carry on...

2003-12-20 [Zaran's Song]: "it ain't much I'm askin'," I heard him say. "Gotta find me a future... Move outta my way!" I want it all.... I want it all.... I want it all.... And I want it now!

2003-12-20 [Pnelma Tirian]: lol! keiti-chan likes Moulin Rouge! :D

2003-12-20 [Epscillon]: it's a miracle! it's a miracle! it's a miraclllllllllle.......

2003-12-20 [Pnelma Tirian]: the greatest'll ever just to love...and be return....

2003-12-20 [Epscillon]: wha! O_o i do?

2003-12-20 [Zaran's Song]: Mama....... just killed a maaannn..... put a gun against his head, pulled my trigger now he's dead....

2003-12-20 [Arisonu]: ..* (confused face)

2003-12-20 [Epscillon]: and had just begun! gotta leave you all behind and faaaace the truuuuth......

2003-12-20 [Pnelma Tirian]: but maybe I'm just craazaay.

2003-12-20 [Zaran's Song]: mama...... didn't mean to make you cry.... If I'm not back again this time tomorrow..... carry on, carry on.......

2003-12-20 [Epscillon]: cuz nothing really matters.......

2003-12-20 [Arisonu]: O_o? I feel so left out....

2003-12-20 [Pnelma Tirian]: There are few who deny that what I do I am thebest, for my talents are renound far and wide...when it comes to surprise, in the moonlit night, I excell without ever even trying..

2003-12-20 [Arisonu]: Nothing really meeeeeeeeeee....

2003-12-20 [Epscillon]: oh! um! what is that from? O_o its on the tip of my tongue...

2003-12-20 [Zaran's Song]: Bohemian Rhapsody, Arisonu. Thunderbolts and lightning, very very frightening me! GALLILEO!! GALLILEO! GALLILEO FIGARO! Magnifico-o-o-o-oooo.... I'm just a poor boy, nobody loves me...

2003-12-20 [Pnelma Tirian]: whith the slightest little effort of my ghost-like charm, I have seen grown men give out a shreik...with a wave of my hand and a well placed moan, I have swept the very bravest off their feet!

2003-12-20 [Arisonu]: He's just poor boy from a poor family.....Spare his life from this monstrousity!

2003-12-20 [Pnelma Tirian]: we are bouncing from one entertainment section of society to the next.

2003-12-20 [Zaran's Song]: Easy come, easy go, will you let me go?

2003-12-20 [Epscillon]: OH! ^^ jack from the nightmare before christmas!

2003-12-20 [Pnelma Tirian]: yes! :D

2003-12-20 [Zaran's Song]: Ya know, I only ever saw that movie once.

2003-12-20 [Arisonu]: We will not let you go! 

2003-12-20 [Arisonu]: Twice here.

2003-12-20 [Pnelma Tirian]: What have I done...what have I could so blind.....all is lost....where was I?...Spoiled all...spoiled all...everything's...gone all wrong....what have I done...what have I done...find a deep cave to hide me, in a million years they'll find me only dust....and a plaque...that reads "here lies poor old Jack"....

2003-12-20 [Arisonu]: STOP BLOWING HOLES IN MY SHIP!

2003-12-20 [Pnelma Tirian]: lol!

2003-12-20 [Arisonu]: Welcome to the Carribean, love.

2003-12-20 [Zaran's Song]: I LOVE THAT MOVIE SO MUCH! It's my fourth fave, next to the LOTR trilogy.

2003-12-20 [Zaran's Song]: why isn't anyone editing?

2003-12-20 [Pnelma Tirian]: But I never intended so much madness...never...and nobody really understood, well how could they? Cuz all I ever wanted was to bring them something great! why does nothing ever turn out like it should..well, what the heck, I went and did my best! And by God I really tasted something swell! And for a moment, why, I even touched the sky! and at least I left them stories they can tell, I did!

2003-12-20 [Pnelma Tirian]: ok I'll just head over to the cornere and kinda sit there, quivering...o.O

2003-12-20 [Arisonu]: BUT WHY'S THE RUM GONE?

2003-12-20 [Zaran's Song]: The day is nigh, when life shall die, the dead are come again. Tonight we feast and drink of blood... let spill the night this eve of darkness unshed and eternal... Oh, the sweet, the drip, the flow, bathing my cup, my tongue, my soul... Torment and anguish, Innocence fresh. Forever to drink of its deathly vintage... Forever the meat of dying flesh.

2003-12-20 [Pnelma Tirian]: I can let you drown, but I can't bring this ship into Tortuga all by me onesy, savvy?

2003-12-20 [Arisonu]: 0_o

2003-12-20 [Zaran's Song]: right then...... uhh.... I'll just go and be sadistic over there for a bit.....

2003-12-20 [Pnelma Tirian]: *smirks at Zaran*

2003-12-20 [Arisonu]: duh, dum,duh,dum, and really bad eggs, drink up me, hardies, yo ho.

2003-12-20 [Pnelma Tirian]: heehee!

2003-12-20 [Zaran's Song]: seriously, why isn't anyone editing?

2003-12-20 [Arisonu]: He's my aunt's cousin's nephew, twice removed. Lovely singing voice, eunuach.

2003-12-20 [Arisonu]: No, nobody is. You think I spell eunuach right?


2003-12-20 [Arisonu]: I wasn't ignoring you. I don't know. There, I answered your question and I made that osbervation several comments ago.

2003-12-20 [Pnelma Tirian]: because I'm floating in space, helpless, and Loki's kinda sitting there talking to Tiamat, and I don't know what the hell Monnomsy or whatever his name is is doing.

2003-12-20 [Arisonu]: His name is Memnoch and he broke you out of the moon's orbit and I was trying to get somebody to go out there and retrieve you. Savvy?

2003-12-20 [Pnelma Tirian]: *nods*

2003-12-20 [Arisonu]: Das is gut.

2003-12-20 [Pnelma Tirian]: Get it? Got it. Good.

2003-12-20 [Arisonu]: Now, back to random movie quotes! -It is such a pretty boat. Ship.

2003-12-20 [Zaran's Song]: You've got two empty hulls of coconuts and you're bangin' 'em together!

2003-12-20 [Pnelma Tirian]: but...but...that WAS a movie quote.

2003-12-20 [Arisonu]: This parrot has ceased to be. It is an ex-parrot!

2003-12-20 [Pnelma Tirian]: the pellet with the poison's in the vessel with the pessel, and the chalice from the palace has the brew that is true, right?--yes, but there's been a change. They broke the chalice from the palace. --They...broke...the chalice...

2003-12-20 [Arisonu]: Where's that from?

2003-12-20 [Pnelma Tirian]: The Court Jester. FUNNIEST MOVIE OF ALL TIME.

2003-12-20 [Zaran's Song]: I mean, if I went around, sayin' I was an emperor, just cause some moistened bink had lubbed a scimitar at me, they'd put be away!

2003-12-20 [Pnelma Tirian]: Nohow! Contrarywise!

2003-12-20 [Arisonu]: Come see the violence inherent in the system! Help, Help! I'm bein' repressed!

2003-12-20 [Zaran's Song]: BLOODY PEASANT!! Oh, what a giveaway. Did you see him repressin' me? You saw it, didn't you?

2003-12-20 [Lady Twist]: "I can handle the Peril." "No, no, it is too Perilous."

2003-12-20 [Zaran's Song]: lol. "I bet you're gay." ......"No I'm not!"

2003-12-20 [Lady Twist]: "It's an evil rabbit. It has big TEETH...BIG TEETH!!"

2003-12-20 [Zaran's Song]: What an eccentric performance.

2003-12-20 [Lady Twist]: :-/

2003-12-20 [Zaran's Song]: Galahad.

2003-12-20 [Lady Twist]: aH..i REMEMBER..HERE'S ANOTHER ONE..

2003-12-20 [Lady Twist]: here's one..'And they ate Robin's minstrels, and there was much rejoicing..yay..'

2003-12-21 [Zaran's Song]: Oh, yes! He was not at all afraid to be killed in nasty ways... Brave, brave, brave, brave Sir Robin! He was not at all afraid to be mashed into a pulp. Or to have his eyes gouged out, and his elbows broken! To have his kneecaps split and his body burned away... And his limbs all hacked and mangled, brave Sir Robin!

2003-12-21 [Lady Twist]: or his bowels unplugged..

2003-12-21 [Zaran's Song]: *takes a breath* Or his liver removed, or his bowels unplugged, or his nostrils raped, or his bottom bent out or his-- "That's enough singing for now, lads... There's dirty work afoot."

2003-12-21 [Lady Twist]: yep..

2003-12-21 [Zaran's Song]: and then there's the government peasants again.

2003-12-21 [Lady Twist]: *nodnod*

2003-12-21 [Zaran's Song]: *drool* Food! whee!

2003-12-21 [Hutch]: hmmmmmm im going on vacation, which is why i wanted to start this in january, but it's all good. If someone could take charge for me while im gone, that'd be great, you all can vote amongst yourselves, but on't get out of hand and whatnot ^^

2003-12-21 [Lady Twist]: I vote for...anyone but me...

2003-12-22 [Pnelma Tirian]: I'm running two contests and an rpg. I don't think I can do it...

2003-12-23 [Epscillon]: sorry. no can do.

2003-12-23 [Pnelma Tirian]: I can try, though..

2003-12-23 [Lady Twist]: Well, I've only been here a week or two, so I don't even know how to run one of these things..

2003-12-23 [Pnelma Tirian]: ohhhhhh, ok. you do very well despite that.

2003-12-24 [Lady Twist]: thank you..

2003-12-30 [Hutch]: it's ok im back, sorry all, seeing if i need to catch up and whatnot... hmmm... nope :P

2003-12-30 [Arisonu]: Yah! Michiru's back!

2003-12-31 [Hilohello]: This Ash person seems sinister....

2003-12-31 [Arisonu]: Perhaps signs of things to come? Stay tune!

2004-01-01 [Hilohello]: Field...field....And suns are insubstantial, they're a step above gas, though you would burn up if you touched it.....

2004-01-01 [Atlantis]: Just wondering but what happens now? I'm TYR and i don't know what to do now

2004-01-01 [Arisonu]: Get out of your chamber.

2004-01-01 [Atlantis]: Don't i need to wait for a scientist or something

2004-01-02 [Arisonu]: Ash is a scientist. He's waiting outside your chamber with clothes.

2004-01-02 [Atlantis]: ok then.

2004-01-04 [Zaran's Song]: Whee! I love LP!

2004-01-04 [Atlantis]: How long am i supposed to be sitting?

2004-01-04 [Zaran's Song]: no one knows..... *shifty eyes*

2004-01-04 [Arisonu]: Well, you can get out and find us out of curiousity.

2004-01-04 [Pnelma Tirian]: (Artemis became that super impossibly hot stuff and she's not really designed for that so she almost died. yeah,. so there, Hilo. :D)

2004-01-04 [Atlantis]: yeah but seriously i get confused easily so i need to know exactly where to go

2004-01-04 [Arisonu]: The room with the plants, the interaction room or something.

2004-01-04 [Atlantis]: sorry confused already. I'm just going to wait

2004-01-04 [Hilohello]: What wassat?

2004-01-04 [Atlantis]: no clue

2004-01-05 [Atlantis]: can someone give me the short version of what is going on at the moment?

2004-01-05 [Zaran's Song]: ok. Most of the peeps are trying to get Artemis back inside. She went through a wall and floated in space for a bit. Persephone and Loki are in an elevator, and you're still in the lab.

2004-01-05 [Arisonu]: Okay. Persephone and Loki just got in an elevator to go down into the hangar. The other experiments are in the arborterium, watching Artemis floating out in space near to the point of death.

2004-01-05 [Atlantis]: OK thanks. And i'll just wait or what? nothing much for me to do at the moment is there. Maybe if i had been here sooner but yeah.

2004-01-05 [Arisonu]: Well, maybe you could join the others in the arborterium or find your way down to the hangar and meet up Persephone and Loki.

2004-01-05 [Atlantis]: I think i'm too confused for that. I would probably do something wrong on the way there. I'll just wait for someone/something to come to me.

2004-01-06 [Pnelma Tirian]: actually, isn;t persephone the goddess of fertility or something? cuz her mom was the goddess of the harvest and all...

2004-01-06 [Zaran's Song]: Persephone is the one who ate the pomegranet seeds in hades. Because she did that, Hades himself imprisoned her there for half of the year: Supposedly, when Persephone is home, her mother is happy, and thus there is good weather. When she is in hades, her mother mourns, and thus it gets cold and all that. That's why we have seasons: Spring and summer are when Persephone is home; Fall and winter are when she's in hades.

2004-01-06 [Lady Twist]: yes, that is the story, but that is also why she's a goddess of fertility; she hasthe ability to control whether or not the world prospers.

2004-01-06 [Arisonu]: Actually, I heard Artemis was the goddess of fertility, along with being the patron of goddess of tomboys and the hunt.

2004-01-06 [Arisonu]: Yes, Persephone had that ability and a different name (Kore), but in her being raped by Hades and that whole pomegrant deal, she is also queen of the Underworld and is more affiliated with that title.

2004-01-06 [Zaran's Song]: Huzzah for early study of Greek mythology.

2004-01-06 [Arisonu]: Hey, I started on the Deck of the Infinity.

2004-01-06 [Zaran's Song]: I noticed.

2004-01-06 [Hutch]: hmmmmmmmmmmm

2004-01-06 [Zaran's Song]: Arisonu needs to get back on.

2004-01-06 [Arisonu]: I'm back.

2004-01-07 [Hutch]: I'm cold

2004-01-07 [Arisonu]: I got a cold.

2004-01-07 [Hutch]: so do I! what a cowinkidink

2004-01-07 [Zaran's Song]: I have frosty feet.

2004-01-07 [Hutch]: lol

2004-01-07 [Zaran's Song]: it's true! I do. and it hurts to defrost them, so I'll just leave them as they are, thankyouverraemuch.

2004-01-07 [Pnelma Tirian]: GOOD MORNING, CLEVELAND! XD

2004-01-07 [Arisonu]: Hey Salek, gonna write in Children of the Dragon?

2004-01-07 [Pnelma Tirian]: sure! :D

2004-01-08 [Arisonu]: I think we are gonna need another page made for this story.

2004-01-08 [Pnelma Tirian]: quite possibly.

2004-01-08 [Hutch]: yesh it'll be Fern-Gen Recall-cont

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